Upper Broadway Widening, Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Connections
Placerville, CA
Project Name: Upper Broadway Widening, Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Connections
Location: Placerville, CA
Client: City of Placerville
Services Provided:
• Project Management
• Environmental Documentation & Permitting
• PS&E
• Stakeholder Coordination
• Community Outreach
• Finance Strategies/Grant Applications
• Right-of-Way Engineering
• Caltrans Encroachment Permit
• Topographic Surveys
• Hydrology Reports & Drainage Analysis
• General Permit Documentation & Compliance
• Construction Staking
• Construction Engineering Support
R.E.Y. provided a full range of project management, civil design, and land surveying services for the widening of approximately 1.25 miles of Upper Broadway, a constrained corridor bordered by Caltrans right of way, Hangtown Creek and multiple residences and businesses. The project installed Class II bike lanes and a Class III bike route by widening the road, curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements and various storm drain improvements. Important design considerations included accounting for the horizontal curves in the roadway alignment, extensive construction of retaining walls, and conforming to private residential and commercial improvements. Careful consideration was also given to preserving the rural look and feel of the corridor, as well as minimizing impacts to Hangtown Creek.
R.E.Y. also provided supplemental funding assistance by obtaining funding through both the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) and Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 2. Total funding received from both funding sources was $2.5 million.